Rally for Renters Rights in King’s Square (File photo)

The Higgs government is moving ahead with its promised review of the rental situation in the province. Premier Blaine Higgs made the promise earlier this year as stories began to increase about out of province investors purchasing rental units and either implementing sharp increases in rent or evicting tenants so buildings could be upgraded to attract higher level rents.

Countless stories emerged about people being evicted during a pandemic with little or no choice for rental units in their price range especially in the Saint John – Moncton – and Fredericton markets.

Renters – landlords – and developers are being invited to submit personal stories and experiences about “navigating through the rental system in the province” until April 07th. The government will also be looking at market and rental data to assess short and long term trends – and – checking the situation in other jurisdictions.

The NB Coalition for Tenants Rights is pleased to see the review underway. The group will be meeting with the provincial Rental Review Team this month. The group also says its position remains renters need immediate assistance – not in 90 days. That assistance includes a moratorium on evictions and a rental cap.

Public submissions will be accepted here with answers submitted anonymously. The review is scheduled to be completed by May 10th.