It has been a hectic two and a half months involving a move to Montreal with new experiences and opportunities. In addition the web site was moved to a new web host based here in Montreal.

Throughout this period I have assessed the stats and trends associated with the page and its stories. The page was growing and I thank you for your support. I looked at response to individual stories trying to determine what our focus should be to better serve your expectations. I also received offers of help from “boots on the ground” to keep local information flowing to me in addition to my local and provincial contacts base.

However – there are realities involved. Maintaining a daily flow of stories in a one person setting is demanding – and – can be extremely time and energy consuming. This has been a labour of love – and while the site was growing in popularity – it was not at a point where it could be monetized to cover the cost of having a back up person. I also believe I am not reflecting that “local” touch in writing the stories since I no longer reside in the city – the region – the province. In addition – there are new experiences to be had as we settle into our new home and life is far too short not to take advantage of those opportunities. So the time has come and I am making it official – will no longer be posting daily stories but the page will remain available. I may post a print and/or video feature from time to time – but – daily news story posts will no longer be available.

Again – I want to thank you for your support and encouragement since our “soft launch” in November of 2020. The response tells me there is a demand/need for another editorial – and specifically – digital voice in the market. The email contact form on this page remains in service and I will be checking the email on a regular basis. Now as you prepare for the return to “green” and the celebration of New Brunswick Day – enjoy and be safe!


Gary MacDonald