Saint John Sign at Fort Howe (File Image)

Saint John finds itself in the Top 25 of the MACLEAN’S magazine ranking of the Best Communities In Canada. The city placed number 12 – just behind Toronto – with quality internet access as the top feature followed by affordable housing prices and amenities.

Halifax landed the number 1 spot this year with internet access listed as the top feature followed by amenities and health. Fredericton was number 2 and Moncton placed 7th on the list behind Winnipeg. Charlottetown came in at number 10 with internet access the top feature followed by amenities and population growth.

MACLEAN’S says it made some changes to categories used for the rankings based on changing lifestyles due to more work from home thanks to the pandemic. For a complete explanation of how communities were ranked – click here. And for the full list of communities – click here.