Ryan Mitchell – Vice President and Chief Development Officer at Saint John Energy (SJE Image)

Saint John Energy Vice President – Ryan Mitchell – is one of people across Canada being honoured for his promotion of clean energy options for the municipal utility.

Mitchell has been named one of Canada’s Clean50 leaders for 2021 for “championing a strategy for growth that includes a smart power grid enabled with advanced artificial intelligence and the Burchill Wind Project that will power about 15 per cent of the city with clean energy.” He is being recognized in the Traditional Energy and Generation category.

The Clean50 awards are announced annually by Delta Management Group and the Clean50 organization to recognize 50 individuals or small teams in 16 categories “who have done the most to advance the cause of sustainability and clean capitalism in Canada.”

Organizers say “Ryan is championing a strategy of growth driven by innovation and the pursuit of cleaner energy solutions, where the centrepiece is the creation of a smart grid driven by advanced artificial intelligence.”

Mitchell says “I’m flattered to be among Canada’s Clean50 leaders, but this award really belongs to everyone at Saint John Energy working tirelessly to build on our organization’s incredible legacy and embrace a new energy future for our city and our customers.”

A record 900 nominees were considered for the Clean50 for 2021.