New containers for Waist Wise pilot project (City of Saint John Image)

The City’s new Waste Wise pilot program is beginning on the Rockwood Route which includes parts of Hawthorne Avenue – Mount Pleasant North – Wright and Seeley Streets – and other streets in that general area.

The waste collection project includes curb side recycling pickups and bag tags for garbage bags placed for collection in addition to the waste bin. The additional bag tags will cost $2 each.

A City staff report says this approach to solid waste service promotes “waste diversion allowing Saint John to reduce its burden on the regional landfill site at Crane Mountain.”

The Latimore Route is also part of the pilot program and includes parts of Grandview Avenue – Loch Lomond Road – Eldersley Avenue – hickey Road – Latimore Lake Road – and other streets in those general areas.

The trial will run through early July.