Ward 1 Councillor Greg Norton

Common Council has approved two incentives designed to help the City’s hospitality industry deal with the impact of the COVID pandemic.

One sees the City waiving the fees for the use of sidewalk areas and parking spaces for street side patios in the city centre. A budget of up to $20,000 has been set aside for the program.

The other is a $20,000 contribution to a program promoting two night weekend stays in City hotels. The Saint John Hotel Association and Envision Saint John will also kick in $20,000 each. The Hotel Association promotion will offer Uptown Dollars as an incentive to tourists booking two night stays. The Uptown Dollars will encourage visitors to spend money in uptown shops – restaurants – and galleries. The Hotel Association will handle administration and purchasing of the Uptown Dollars gift cards while Envision Saint John will handle the marketing of the program.

West Side Councillor Greg Norton says he struggled with these items. He says he understands the need and concept – but – $20,000 can go a long way to provide much need updates to recreational areas like Dominion Park. Norton says parks and recreation have fallen behind yet these are areas contributing to quality of life that helps to grow the city. Norton cast the only “nay” vote on the motions.