Business owner Liz Rowe with from Ward 1 Council race (Facebook Image)

As you read through our story yesterday on the candidates who filed nomination papers for the May 10th municipal election – you may have noticed a name was missing.

West Side resident and entrepreneur Liz Rowe had filed nomination papers as a candidate in Ward 1. However – on Tuesday Rowe announced on her Facebook page that “after careful consideration, I am withdrawing my bid for council in the upcoming May municipal election.” She gave no indication as to what led to her decision.

Liz Rowe filing her nomination papers
(Facebook Image)

In her original news release announcing her candidacy – Rowe said she would focus on attracting more residential and commercial development to the West Side. She also pointed to the need for more industrial growth opportunities – and – a realistic budget for all city departments.

Three other people have filed nomination papers for the two seats in Ward 1 as of Thursday – Joanna Killen – Christopher Withers – and Incumbent Blake Armstrong.