NB Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell

It’s the news the Saint John region has been waiting for – after a couple of weeks of heightened restrictions including the wearing of masks in public spaces – both indoors and out – we will be moving from the Orange Level back to the Yellow Level of recovery at midnight tonight.

Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell – made the announcement this afternoon:

NB Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell outlines the decision to ease restrictions in the Saint John region as of midnight tonight.

With the entire province now at the Yellow Level once again – Russell is reminding people that yellow does mean caution. She is again appealing to people to continue practicing physical distancing – wearing masks – and keep holiday gatherings within recommended numbers or preferably less.

Meantime – there are four new confirmed COVID cases in the province today – the contract worker at Shannex who is in their thirties and three in the Edmundston area – one in their twenties – one in their thirties – and one in their forties. During this afternoon’s news conference – Dr Jennifer Russell confirmed an outbreak has been declared at the Edmundston Regional Hospital. There are two patients in intensive care and one patient was admitted today with COVID. The hospital is restricting access in a bid to control the outbreak. As of today – we have a total of 75-active cases in the province.