Common Council Chamber at City Hall (File Image)

(UPDATE – June 29-21 – Council has approved the staff recommendations to move to clean up the properties and bill the owners for the work.)

Common Council is being asked to approve the clean up of unsightly properties at 2-4 Wellesley Avenue and 94 – and – 96. Woodhaven Drive. In a report to Council – City staff advise notices to clean up the properties have been ignored by the property owners.

If Council gives approval – City staff will arrange to have the clean up completed and invoice the owners for the costs involved. If the invoices remain unpaid at year end – the City sends a request to the province for reimbursement of the costs. The province then adds the amount to the property taxes for those properties. Both properties have been involved in previous unsightly premises cases. The full staff report can be found here.

(City of Saint John Image)
(City of Saint John Image)