Pothole repairs and other road repairs will now be easier and permanent year round. The city has purchased a “new to us” asphalt recycling unit that will allow for hot asphalt repairs throughout the year. It’s good news for this time of year when freeze – thaw cycles combine to open cracks and holes in city streets.
In the past – crews have used a cold mix asphalt in the winter because the hot asphalt plants are closed. The cold mix isn’t designed as a permanent solution and depending on traffic volumes would quickly disintegrate requiring crews to re-patch the pothole. The “new to us” unit can re-use broken pavement and heat it to the proper temperature on-site to allow for a permanent repair even during the cold days of winter.
By the way you can be a pothole spotter – you see or hit a pothole – you can call 658-4455 to report it.