You may notice the frequency of posting will decrease from today onward. The reason is simple – we are moving and in the final days before the movers load the truck – we will be focusing on all of the last minute details involved with sorting and packing your life.

Since the launch of in late November of last year – the site has been experiencing steady growth especially in the past 3 months. We are grateful for the support you have shown. We have ventured into live streams of news conferences – adding short video clips to stories – some feature interviews – editorial comment – and partnering with Oldies 96 providing a news source for the recently launched radio station. It is time consuming – a labour of love and a love of labour.

So over the next couple of weeks we will be considering options going forward while maintaining a level of news coverage – and – will share those decisions with you. Life is truly an adventure and we are about to start the next chapter of that adventure.