More details are finally emerging about the so called “Super Spreader” event in the city that produced a spike in confirmed COVID cases and prompted a move to the Orange Level last month.
Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell – says it began with one event and two venues in Saint John on one night in mid-November that produced over 80-percent of the confirmed cases to date in our region. She says it shows how easily the virus can spread if we are not wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing at all times.
Russell also provided an update on the outbreak at the Shannex Parkland complex in Millidgeville. To date a total of 15 cases of COVID have been confirmed including 5-staff members. More testing was being yesterday and today.
Meantime – Russell says there are seven new cases today – four of them in the Saint John region while there are three in the Fredericton Central area. We now have 116-active cases in the province with no one in hospital.