Artist rendering of The Wellington at Wellington Row and Union Street (Video screen cap)

Ground breaking for Saint John Non-Profit Housing’s new mixed income apartment complex in the uptown – The Wellington – is expected soon. When the project was unveiled almost three years ago – the design called for a six storey building at the corner of Wellington Row and Union Street with 24 market rate apartments and 20 affordable units on the site of the “Jelly Bean” houses demolished in 2017 amid much controversy.

Excavation equipment has been moved to the site and temporary construction fencing now surrounds the lot. Last week Deputy Mayor Shirley McAlary told council although it took some time – all funding for the project is now in place.

The Wellington project joins three other larger apartment complexes under construction in the central peninsula area. Two other large apartment buildings – one in Millidgeville and the other in East Saint John – are also under construction.