Mayoral candidate Howard Yeomans says he understands the financial plight of the City forced councillors to make some difficult decisions. But Yeomans says he’s wondering if the City is now at risk of not being able to provide the proper response in a crisis situation “that could greatly affect the safety of residents – businesses – and buildings.”
Yeomans admits he has not seen the City’s 10 year financial strategy and “therefore could not in the best interest of Saint John give comment one way or the other as to whether I fully support it at this time.”
He says it is his “to assist this City to move forward in positive ways to increase revenue, population and businesses while finding the most least disruptive manner in which to achieve these necessary goals for the betterment of the future for all of Saint John!”
Yeomans – who is retired after working in financial and management positions – says he is running a word of mouth campaign because he doesn’t want the impression he owes any individual or company favours in return for “financial considerations they may have given to afford the cost of signage- advertisement – or office space.”