Five new cases of COVID have been confirmed by Public Health in the past 24 hours. One of the cases is in the Saint John region and is under investigation. The other 4 cases are in the Fredericton River Valley region. Three of those cases are contacts of a previously confirmed case and the other is travel related.
Public Health reports 16 people have been listed as recovered since yesterday. There are 116 active cases around the province including 20 here in the Saint John region. Ten people are in hospital – 6 in New Brunswick including 2 in intensive care – and 4 in out of province hospitals. The COVID death toll stands at 41.
Health Minister Dorothy Shephard says we set a new single day record for COVID vaccinations yesterday with 10,400 doses administered. She says more than 44-percent of the population over 12 years of age (300,000 people) have now received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine.
And a new document prepared by the New Brunswick Pharmacists Association is now available online showing the availability of appointments at participating pharmacies – and – the best way to contact each pharmacy.