NB Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell

Two Edmundston nursing homes are struggling with serious outbreaks of COVID. Follow up testing at the Villa des Jardins home has turned up 19-new cases – 10 residents and 9 staff and support workers. To date the total number of confirmed cases at the home is 32.

Meantime – Public Health is waiting for results of testing of residents and staff yesterday at the Manoir Belle Vue facility. Currently there are 55 confirmed cases in the facility.

The onslaught of cases at both homes is having a serious impact on staffing the facilities. Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell – says there are 37-staff members out with COVID related issues between the two homes. A plea has gone out for volunteers to assist at both homes.

The Edmundston has been the provincial COVID hotspot since last month with 173 active cases as of today. The region is under LOCKDOWN.