Twenty-four hours ago Picaroons General Store on Canterbury Street posted a social media notification dogs are no longer allowed in the establishment. The notification says the ban results from a customer complaint to Public Health which decreed dogs are not permitted in any indoor space where food is consumed. The post also says “We are beyond sad and will try our best to see if this rule can be changed. We will miss our pups!”

Up until yesterday – dog owners could bring their four legged family members in while stopping for a cool one and maybe a snack from the pizza restaurant next door.

Now there is a ground swell movement on social media to over turn the ruling. A petition has been posted at as part of the movement to get the ruling changed and at the time of this post was closing in on 3700 signatures. Saint John – Rothesay MP Wayne Long is onboard even though it’s not a federal issue. He says “I’m going to look in to this and absolutely do everything I can. It’s unbelievable and a very short sighted decision. I won’t stop until we get this resolved.”

Gus Darling isn’t happy with the doggy ban (Facebook Image)

Mayor Don Darling says his dog “Gus is pissed!”

Other comments include questioning who goes to a dog friendly place and complains about dogs? Others say it is an example of how one person can ruin it for many – some say the dogs added to the chilled atmosphere of the establishment