Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Public Health is confirming 11 new cases of COVID in the province today – all in the Edmundston region. Five of those cases are under investigation while the other six are contacts of previous cases.

Since yesterday – five people are listed as recovered. We now have 120 active cases – 98 of them in the Edmundston region which remains the RED Level – more than four times the number of active cases in the rest of the province. The Saint John region active case count remains at 6.

Four people are listed in hospital with two of those people in intensive care while the number of COVID related deaths remains at 30.

Meantime – the RED Level area has been extended to include Saint Leonard – Grand Falls – Drummond – New Denmark – and Four Falls beginning at midnight tonight. Only Saint Quentin and Kedgwick are excluded. The decision was made based on the confirmed presence of the more contagious variants and the possibility of community transmission.

Public Health also report 3335 people showing no signs of COVID were tested at mass clinics in Edmundston Thursday and Friday of last week. Test results from both days confirmed three cases of COVID. Those cases were in addition to cases confirmed with people who were exhibiting one more symptoms of the virus.