Here are some of the numbers in the battle against COVID in New Brunswick – these numbers are as of yesterday’s briefing:
There are 348-active cases around the province with almost half of those cases centred in the Edmundston region which is under a LOCKDOWN. The Moncton region has the second highest number with 94-active cases.
The total number of confirmed cases since the pandemic was declared last March stands at 1151 with 788-recoveries and 14-COVID related deaths. And 187,710 tests for COVID have been administered.
As of yesterday – 14,257 doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been administered with 2839-people fully vaccinated after receiving their second dose.
More than 1950-healthcare workers have been vaccinated at clinics in the last few days and more than 1600 will receive their second dose of vaccine at clinics this week. Twenty long term care facilities are scheduled to receive their first doses of Moderna during clinics this week.
Eighty-four healthcare workers are off work due to COVID related issues with 50 of those workers employed by the Horizon Health network.
As of yesterday – 5-days have passed without a confirmed case of COVID in any school – and – no evidence of student to student transmission in any of the confirmed school cases.