Provincial health officials are looking at the possibility of new variants of the COVID virus entering New Brunswick – and – are beginning to take steps to battle them.
Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell – says the risk is high – the new variants are highly transmissible – more so than the original strain of COVID. Russell says that means all regions in the Orange Level will remain at that level – probably for some time to come.
Russell says one restriction in the Orange Level will be relaxed slightly – a family bubble will be able to include 10 relatives and/or friends including going to restaurants with your “Steady 10.” She says it is necessary for maintaining mental health. That change takes effect at 11:59 tonight.
Health Minister Dorothy Shephard says a review is underway for the Yellow Level and it is being removed from charts until the review of restrictions and any potential changes is completed.
Meantime – the Edmundston region remains in LOCKDOWN and the Moncton region remains in the RED Level.