NB Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr Jennifer Russell

The pace of the rollout of COVID vaccines could be picking up even more momentum next week. Chief Medical Officer of Health – Dr Jennifer Russell says Public Health will be taking proposed revisions to the vaccination program to the all party COVID committee and Cabinet next week.

Russell says the revisions will include extending the time between the first and second doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to 120 days for less vulnerable people to allow more people to receive a first dose sooner. She says this is based on new guidelines by the National Advisory Council on Immunization.

Meantime – New Brunswick is scheduled to receive the first doses of the recently approved AstraZeneca vaccine this month.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr Jennifer Russell on advantages of AstraZeneca vaccine

And with other vaccines pending approval – Russell says it is her hope “that we will be able to provide at least one dose to every New Brunswicker before summer begins.”