If you have a child attending university or college at an institution outside New Brunswick – there is some good news about getting them home.
Health Minister Dorothy Shephard says as of 11:59 tonight – people helping students move home for the summer may go to any of the other Atlantic provinces for no more than 24 hours to remove belongings. You will not have to self isolate as long as you are away for no longer than the 24 hours. And students returning to New Brunswick from any of the Atlantic provinces will not have to self isolate.
If you are picking up someone outside of Atlantic Canada – both you and the student must register your travel online and self isolate for 14 days when you return.
If you are coming into New Brunswick to help a college or university student pack and return home – you may enter the province for a 24 hour period to remove belongings without self isolating but you must register online. You must observe all public health guidelines – and – if you stay longer than 24 hours you must self isolate for 14 days.