Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Ten new cases of COVID have been confirmed in the province since yesterday. Public Health says 9 of the cases are in the Edmundston region with six of them under investigation and three contacts of a previously confirmed case. The other case is in the Moncton region and is termed travel related.

Public Health says 4 people are listed as recovered since yesterday with the total number of active cases at 141 including 7 here in our region. Four people are in hospital with three of them in intensive care. The COVID related death toll remains at 30.

Meanwhile – Public Health has declared the COVID outbreak at Manoir Belle Vue – an adult residential facility in Edmundston officially over while an outbreak has been declared at Foyer St Jacques – an Edmundston special care home – where one case has been confirmed. The Edmundston area remains in the RED Level while the rest of the province is in the Yellow Level.